Monday, June 18, 2007


Kasalehlia all - I don't have much time because I am access from the hotel's computer, but I just want to let you know we made it safely and I am having a great time. Pohnpei is beautiful and I've already been able to see a lot of the island. I should have a full update tomorrow or the day after.

The Village Hotel is amazing and not a hotel at all. You rent single rooms which are thatched huts. They are beautiful with amazing views of the jungle and the water. We went up to Kitti Enpein Pah (or just Kitti - pronounced 'kichi') and visited Mooka's family.

Sorry that is all, but kalahngan for reading.
Kasalehl. Justin

1 comment:

Josh Thorington said...

whats up bro! we all thought the islanders had you for dinner. its good to hear from you again... keep up the good job with youre blog and we will see you throw youre pet dog inn the fire pit there is plenty of other things too eat..