Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today I attended a general meeting for the Micronesian Islands Club at the University of Washington. First I must say it was great to meet some Micronesians. I have a feeling there is more than a handful here in Seattle, it is just a matter of actually finding them. It is made up mostly of Chamorros, but it was great to connect nonetheless.

At the meeting I found out that George W. Bush recently designated three new areas in the Pacific as marine national monuments -- Mariana Trench Marine National Monument, Rose Atoll Marine National Monument, and Pacific Remote Islands National Monument -- ensuring that these areas shall receive the highest level of environmental recognition and conservation. As a result, destruction or extraction of protected resources within the boundaries and commercial fishing within the boundaries of the monuments will be prohibited. Furthermore, recreational fishing, tourism and scientific research will be prohibited without a federal permit. The designation means that Bush will have protected more square miles of ocean than any person in history.

My thoughts? I am not fooled. I am all for conservation of the Pacific and the environment in general and I hate commercial fishing. With that being said, this is President Bush. Bush has been far from an envrionmental advocate. In fact, one of his last executive orders was to roll back a standard set into place over a hundred years ago by Teddy Roosevelt protecting our national forests from new roads. Additionally, according to the Presidents proclamation, "The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to activities and exercises of the Armed Forces (including those carried out by the United States Coast Guard)". This would include bomb testing. This rule also hurts the livelyhood and traditions of the native people of these islands by not allowing them to fish in their own waters.

I really doubt that these three designations are intended to do what they are proclaimed to do. Here's to hoping I'm wrong.


Francesca Romana ALEGI said...

Hello Justin:
I'm Francesca from Rome - Italy, your blog is very nice, is your dairy trhrough your direct experience and feeling, I can understand you when you say that you miss certain placeses, me too, I miss a lot Africa, especially now that I can't move for my two little children , and lack of money! That is life!


Micronesia friends, I'm argentine sport journalist and I'm looking for a Micronesian football blog. If you know one, please, write me to contact the blogger.
Best regards from Buenos Aires
International football journalism